Sunday, March 2, 2014

I have been visiting in the Northeast Georgia Medical System for several weeks 

as an Artist-in-Residence (Practicum). During this time I have encountered many

lovely people. Some have accepted my invitation to share in music-making. The 

sharing has been a two-way and for this I am very grateful. I have created 

a miniature reflection concerning the space the patients, staff, and visitors 

and I have been sharing. 

Healing Garden

Holes in my soul and shape ___
Enter in
Air that swirls and hurts my feelings!
Leaning, resting . . .,
Involve my thoughts;
Nudge me to let go.
Grace, find me.

Gather my parts, my holes;
Arrange and plant them here ___
Rain and fertilize the soil; let me go deep.
Dance me down to the softness of my imagination.
Embed my desires for health
Deeply here to grow new wholes.